Building blocks

Codebase is divided in two main pieces pyherc and herculeum. pyherc is a sort of platform or library for writing roguelike games. herculeum on the other hand is a sample game that has been written on top of pyherc.

Main components

Model is the main class representing current state of the playing world. It holds reference to important things like:

  • Player character
  • Dungeon
  • Configuration
  • Various tables

Character is used to represent both player character and monsters. It manages things like:

  • Stats
  • Inventory
  • Location

Dungeon is currently very sparse and is only used to hold reference to first level in the dungeon.

Level is key component, as it is used to store layout and content of levels where player adventures. It manages:

  • Shape of the level, including stairs leading to other levels
  • Items
  • Characters


pyherc.rules is what defines what kind of actions player and monsters are allowed to take and how they affect the world around them. Rules for things like moving, fighting and drinking potions are found here. Refer to Actions for more detailed description how actions are created and how to add more.


pyherc.ports is the interface that rest of the code uses to connect with actions subsystem. Instead of interfacing with ActionFactory and relatively complex logic, client code should use functions defined in this module.