
This section will have a look at various testing approaches utilised in the writing of the game and how to add more tests.

Overview of testing

Tools currently in use are:

Nosetests are mainly used to help the design and development of the software. They form nice safety net that catches bugs that might otherwise go unnoticed for periods of time.

Doctest is used to ensure that code examples and snippets in documentation are up to date.

Behave is used to write tests that are as close as possible to natural language.

Additional tool called nosy can be used to run nosetests automatically as soon as any file change is detected. This is very useful when doing test driven development.

Running tests


Nose tests can be run by issuing following command in pyherc directory:


It should output series of dots as tests are executed and summary in the end:

Ran 180 tests in 3.992s

If there are any problems with the tests (or the code they are testing), error will be shown along with stack trace.


Running doctest is as simple. Navigate to the directory containing make.bat for documentation containing tests (doc/api/) and issue command:

make doctest

This will start sphinx and run the test. Results from each document are displayed separately and finally summary will be shown:

Doctest summary
    4 tests
    0 failures in tests
    0 failures in setup code
    0 failuers in cleanup code
build succeeded.

Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the results in build/doctest/output.txt.

Results are also saved into a file that is placed to build/doctest/ directory

There is handy shortcut in main directory that will execute both and also gather test coverage metrics from nosetests:


Coverage report is placed in cover - directory.


Navigate to directory containing tests written with behave (behave) and issue command:


This will start behave and run all tests. Results for each feature are displayed on screen and finally a summary is shown:

2 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
21 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.0s

Writing tests

Unit tests

Unit tests are placed in package pyherc.test.unit Any module that is named as “test_*” will be inspected automatically by Nose when it is gathering tests to run. It will search for classes named “Test*” and methods named “test_*”.

Following code is simple test that creates EffectHandle object and tries to add it into EffectsCollection object. Then it verifies that it actually was added there.

from pyherc.data.effects import EffectsCollection
from pyherc.test.builders import EffectHandleBuilder
from hamcrest import *
from pyherc.test.matchers import has_effect_handle

class TestEffectsCollection(object):

    def __init__(self):
        super(TestEffectsCollection, self).__init__()
        self.collection = None

    def setup(self):
        Setup test case
        self.collection = EffectsCollection()

    def test_adding_effect_handle(self):
        Test that effect handle can be added and retrieved
        handle = EffectHandleBuilder().build()


        assert_that(self.collection, has_effect_handle(handle))

test_class = TestEffectsCollection()

Interesting parts of the test are especially the usage of EffectHandleBuilder to create the EffectHandle object and the customer has_effect_handle matcher.

Builders are used because they make setting up objects easy, especially when dealing with very complex objects (Character for example). They are placed at pyherc.test.builders module.

Custom matchers are used because they make dealing with verification somewhat cleaner. If the internal implementation of class changes, we need to only change how builders construct it and how matchers match it and tests should not need any modifications. Custom matchers can be found at pyherc.test.matchers module.


Cutesy is an internal domain specific language. Basically, it’s just a collection of functions that can be used to contruct nice looking tests. Theory is that these easy to read tests can be used to communicate what the system is supposed to be doing on a high level, without making things complicated with all the technical details.

Here’s an example, how to test that getting hit will cause hit points to go down.

from pyherc.test.cutesy import strong, Adventurer
from pyherc.test.cutesy import weak, Goblin
from pyherc.test.cutesy import Level

from pyherc.test.cutesy import place, middle_of
from pyherc.test.cutesy import right_of
from pyherc.test.cutesy import make,  hit

from hamcrest import assert_that
from pyherc.test.cutesy import has_less_hit_points

class TestCombatBehaviour():

    def test_hitting_reduces_hit_points(self):
        Pete = strong(Adventurer())
        Uglak = weak(Goblin())

        place(Uglak, middle_of(Level()))
        place(Pete, right_of(Uglak))

        make(Uglak, hit(Pete))

        assert_that(Pete, has_less_hit_points())

test = TestCombatBehaviour()

Tests written with Cutesy follow same guidelines as regular unit tests. However they are placed in package pyherc.test.bdd


Doctest tests are written inside of .rst documents that are used to generate documentation (including this one you are currently reading). These documents are placed in doc/api/source folder and folders inside it.

.. testcode:: Starts test code block. Code example is placed inside this one.

.. testoutput:: Is optional block. It can be omitted if it is enough to see that the code example can be executed. If output of the example needs to be verified, expected output is placed here.

Nosetest example earlier in this document is also a doctest example. If you view source of this page, you can see how it has been constructed.

More information can be found at Sphinx documentation.


Tests with behave are placed under directory behave/features. They consists of two parts: feature-file specifying one or more test scenarios and python implementation of steps in feature-files.

The earlier Cutesy example can be translated to behave as follows:

Feature: Combat
  as an character
  in order to kill enemies
  I want to damage my enemies

  Scenario: hit in unarmed combat
     Given Pete is Adventurer
       And Uglak is Goblin
       And Uglak is standing in room
       And Pete is standing next to Uglak
      When Uglak hits Pete
      Then Pete should have less hitpoints

Each of the steps need to be defined as Python code:

@given(u'{character_name} is Adventurer')
def impl(context, character_name):
    if not hasattr(context, 'characters'):
        context.characters = []
    new_character = Adventurer()
    new_character.name = character_name

It is advisable not to reimplement all the logic in behave tests, but reuse existing functionality from Cutesy. This makes tests both faster to write and easier to maintain. For more information on using behave, have a look at their online tutorial.