Modular level generator

Now that we are aware how level generation works in general, we can have a look at more modular approach. pyherc.generators.level.generator.LevelGenerator is a high level generator that can be used to create different kinds of levels. Usually the system does not directly use it, but queries a fully setup generator from pyherc.generators.level.generator.LevelGeneratorFactory

Overview of LevelGenerator

def generate_level(self, portal, model, new_portals = 0, level=1, room_min_size = (2, 2)):

LevelGenerator has same generate_level - method as other level generators and calling it functions in the same way. Difference is in the internals of the generator. Instead of performing all the level generation by itself, LevelGenerator breaks it into steps and delegates each step to a sub component.

First new level is created and sent to a partitioner. This component will divide level into sections and link them to each other randomly. Partitioners are required to ensure that all sections are reachable.

A room is generated within each section and corridors are used to link rooms to neighbouring sections. Linking is done according to links set up in the previous phase. This in turn ensures that each room is reachable.

In decoration step details are added into the level. Walls are built where empty space meets solid ground and floors are detailed.

Portals are added by portal adders. These portals will lead deeper in the dungeon and cause new levels generated when player walks down to them. One special portal is also created, that links generated level to the higher level.

Adding of creatures is done by creature adders. These contains information of the type of creatures to add and their placement.

Items are added in the same way as the portals, but item adders are used.

digraph hierarchy {
edge[dir=forward, arrowtail=empty]
LevelGenerator [label = "{LevelGenerator|...|+ generate_level(portal)}"]
Partitioner [label = "{Partitioner|...| + partition_level(level)}"]
RoomGenerator [label = "{RoomGenerator|...|+ generate_room(section)}"]
Decorator [label = "{Decorator|...|+ decorate_level(level)}"]
PortalAdder [label = "{PortalAdder|...|+ add_portal(level)}"]
ItemAdder [label = "{ItemAdder|...| + add_items(level)}"]
CreatureAdder [label = "{CreatureAdder|...| + add_creatures(level)}"]
Connector [label = "{Connector|...|+ connect_sections(...)}"]
DecoratorConfig [label = "{DecoratorConfig|...|...}"]
ItemAdderConfiguration [label = "{ItemAdderConfiguration|...|+ add_item(...)}"]
CreatureAdderConfiguration [label = "{CreatureAdderConfiguration|...|+ add_creature(...)}"]

LevelGenerator->Partitioner [tailport=s, headport=n]
LevelGenerator->RoomGenerator [headlabel="*", tailport=s, headport=n]
LevelGenerator->Decorator [headlabel="*", tailport=s, headport=n]
LevelGenerator->PortalAdder [tailport=s, headport=n]
LevelGenerator->ItemAdder [tailport=s, headport=n]
LevelGenerator->CreatureAdder [tailport=s, headport=n]

Partitioner->Connector [headlabel="*", tailport=s, headport=n]
Decorator->DecoratorConfig [tailport=s, headport=n]
ItemAdder->ItemAdderConfiguration [tailport=s, headport=n]
CreatureAdder->CreatureAdderConfiguration [tailport=s, headport=n]


pyherc.generators.level.partitioners.grid.GridPartitioner is basic partitioner, which knows how to divide level into a grid with equal sized sections.

GridPartitioner has method:

def partition_level(self, level,  x_sections = 3,  y_sections = 3):

Calling this method will partition level to sections, link sections to each other and return them in a list.

pyherc.generators.level.partitioners.section.Section is used to represent section. It defines a rectangular area in level, links to neighbouring areas and information how they should connect to each other. It also defines connections for rooms.

Room generators

Room generators are used to create rooms inside of sections created by partitioner. Each section has information how they link together and these connection points must be linked together by room generator.

Room generator only needs a single method:

def generate_room(self, section):

Calling this method should create a room inside section and connect all connection points together.

Simple example can be found from


Decorators can be used to add theme to level. Simple ones can be used to change appearance of the floor to something different than what was generated by room generator. More complex usage is to detect where walls are located and change their appearance.

New decorator can be created by subclassing pyherc.generators.level.decorator.basic.Decorator and overriding method:

def decorate_level(self, level):

Portal adders

pyherc.generators.level.portals.PortalAdder is responsible class for generating portals. the class itself is pretty simple. It contains information of what kind of icons to use, where to place the portal (room, corridor, treasure chamber and so on) and what kind of level it will lead to.


def add_portal(self, level):

Will create a proxy portal at a random location. This portal will contain name of the level, instead of direct link. When player enters the portal, a new level generator is created and used to generate the new level.

Creature adder

Creatures are added with pyherc.generators.level.creatures.CreatureAdder. Usually there is no reason to subclass this class, but simple configuration is enough.

Item adder

Items are added with pyherc.generators.level.items.ItemAdder. Usually there is no reason to subclass this class, but simple configuration is enough.

Defining levels

Levels are defined in configuration scripts that are fed to pyherc.config.config.Configuration during system startup. Following example defines an simple level:

from random import Random
from pyherc.generators.level.partitioners import GridPartitioner
from import SquareRoomGenerator

from pyherc.generators.level.decorator import ReplacingDecorator
from pyherc.generators.level.decorator import ReplacingDecoratorConfig
from pyherc.generators.level.decorator import WallBuilderDecorator
from pyherc.generators.level.decorator import WallBuilderDecoratorConfig
from pyherc.generators.level.decorator import AggregateDecorator
from pyherc.generators.level.decorator import AggregateDecoratorConfig

from pyherc.generators.level.items import ItemAdderConfiguration, ItemAdder
from pyherc.generators.level.creatures import CreatureAdderConfiguration
from pyherc.generators.level.creatures import CreatureAdder

from pyherc.generators.level.portals import PortalAdderConfiguration

from pyherc.config.dsl import LevelConfiguration, LevelContext

def init_level(rng, item_generator, creature_generator, level_size, context):
    room_generators = [SquareRoomGenerator('FLOOR_NATURAL',
                                           ['upper crypt']),
                                           ['upper crypt'])]
    level_partitioners = [GridPartitioner(['upper crypt'],

    replacer_config = ReplacingDecoratorConfig(['upper crypt'],
                                    {'FLOOR_NATURAL': 'FLOOR_ROCK',
                                     'FLOOR_CONSTRUCTED': 'FLOOR_BRICK'},
                                    {'WALL_NATURAL': 'WALL_GROUND',
                                     'WALL_CONSTRUCTED': 'WALL_ROCK'})
    replacer = ReplacingDecorator(replacer_config)

    wallbuilder_config = WallBuilderDecoratorConfig(['upper crypt'],
                                        {'WALL_NATURAL': 'WALL_CONSTRUCTED'},
    wallbuilder = WallBuilderDecorator(wallbuilder_config)

    aggregate_decorator_config = AggregateDecoratorConfig(['upper crypt'],

    decorators = [AggregateDecorator(aggregate_decorator_config)]

    item_adder_config = ItemAdderConfiguration(['upper crypt'])
    item_adder_config.add_item(min_amount = 2,
                               max_amount = 4,
                               type = 'weapon',
                               location = 'room')
    item_adder_config.add_item(min_amount = 2,
                               max_amount = 4,
                               type = 'potion',
                               location = 'room')
    item_adder_config.add_item(min_amount = 0,
                               max_amount = 5,
                               type = 'food',
                               location = 'room')
    item_adders = [ItemAdder(item_generator,

    creature_adder_config = CreatureAdderConfiguration(['upper crypt'])

    creature_adder_config.add_creature(min_amount = 4,
                                       max_amount = 8,
                                       name = 'spider')

    creature_adders = [CreatureAdder(creature_generator,

    portal_adder_configurations = [PortalAdderConfiguration(
                                        icons = ('PORTAL_STAIRS_DOWN',
                                        level_type = 'upper catacombs',
                                        location_type = 'room',
                                        chance = 25,
                                        new_level = 'upper crypt',
                                        unique = True)]

    level_context = LevelContext(size = level_size,
                                floor_type = 'FLOOR_NATURAL',
                                wall_type = 'WALL_NATURAL',
                                level_types = ['upper crypt'])

    config = (LevelConfiguration()
    return config

rng = Random()
item_generator = None
creature_generator = None
level_size = (80, 60)
config_context = object()

config = init_level(rng, item_generator, creature_generator, level_size, config_context)


The example defines function to initialise a level configuration and executes it. In real life scenarion, item_generator and creature_generator objects would have been initialised before supplying them to configuration function, but it was omitted from the brevity’s sake in this example.

Parameters config_context is an extension hook that can be used to deliver application specific information that needs to be transfered between the application and configuration.

<pyherc.generators.level.config.LevelGeneratorFactoryConfig object at 0x...>